
Showing posts from March, 2020
The  Thirtieth of September Movement ( Indonesian :  Gerakan 30 September , abbreviated as  G30S , also known by the acronym  Gestapu  for  Gerakan September Tiga Puluh , Thirtieth of September Movement) was a self-proclaimed organization of  Indonesian National Armed Forces  members who, in the early hours of 1 October 1965, assassinated six  Indonesian Army  generals in an abortive  coup d'état , resulting in the unofficial but more accurate name of  Gestok , for  Gerakan Satu Oktober , or First of October Movement.Later that morning, the organisation declared that it was in control of media and communication outlets and had taken President  Sukarno  under its protection. By the end of the day, the coup attempt had failed in Jakarta at least. Meanwhile, in central Java there was an attempt to take control over an army division and several cities. By the time this rebellion was put down, two more senior officers were dead. In the days and weeks that followed, the army, soci